20. Dezember 2009

Jónsi - Go

Sigur Rós lead singer and guitarist Jón Þór Birgisson, aka Jónsi, is soon to release his first solo album Go, and I can't wait. As opposed to Sigur Rós' music, »Go« will mainly contain songs sung in english; quite refreshing.
Below you can download his brilliant first single »Boy Lilikoy«, which you can now enjoy without further bla.

Go Do
Animal Arithmetic
Boy Lilikoi (mp3)
Sinking Friendships
Grow Till Tall
Around Us

15. Dezember 2009

Winter Mixtape: A Warmer Wintour

*Update* Thanks to LesMads and Gleich Magazin for featuring the mixtape on their blogs!

Whilst listening to my current winter playlist I decided to pick out my favourites and make a little "mixtape" out of them, to share with the world. Some new, some old, I feel that these tracks set a nice mood for the season. Enjoy